Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Trendy Ideas for the Spring

When I attended the latest industry tradeshow last month, I invited my daughter along so that we could spend time together (she lives 1500 miles away) and to get her input on gift ideas as she's in the "under 30" age group. The show had over 1000 exhibitors and so there were many tens of thousands of gift ideas. One of the first items we saw was at the Cross Pen Company Booth. Beautiful leather journals in different sizes. Over the course of the two days we saw many other journals of all sizes and colors. Journals are the perfect gift and one size fits all. Take it to a business meeting with clients or staff to keep notes. Keep a personal journal. Use your journal for business goals. A leather journal is a perfect gift to encourage staff to reach their business goals. A perfect gift for my clients, I thought. Something they'll use everyday with my logo tastefully branded on the front. I'm looking forward to their arrival next week and can't wait to get them in the hands of my clients.

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