Saturday, May 3, 2008

Money Saving Tips

Planning ahead is the key to saving money with your promotions. Many of our suppliers, give us price incentives, especially for seasonal items like calendars or holiday gifts, for ordering early. And ordering early doesn't mean you have to take delivery right away. Because the holiday season is the busiest time of year, our suppliers for holiday cards and calendars are giving the deepest discounts if you order by May 31st. If you order during the month of June, you'll still get a discount but maybe not as much as if you had ordered during May - and so forth and so on - usually through August and sometimes September. Another of our suppliers - who supplies us with our gift towers, will give us discounts through the first of November. Most of the time, you can specify your delivery date far into the future. These are great programs, and if your budget for promotions and branding throughout the year is substantial, this could mean sizeable savings for your company. If you wait until the last minute, you're usually charged with rush charges from the factory and rush shipping charges. Wouldn't you rather spend that money on adding an additional promotion or keeping it in your pocket?

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